YOU are the treasure at the end of the RAINBOW
Promote wellbeing in the early years with Chakrapillar!
This little book introduces young children to the BIG benefits of yoga, chakra sensory play, creativity and mind-body integration techniques (that help turn off the stress response and turn on the relaxation response).
This 'Whole Child' approach celebrates the unique expression of the human spirit as foundational to flourishing and therefore central to education.
Chakrapillar offers the Chakras as a Wellbeing Framework with positive psychology based attributes and somatic practices as a model for co-regulation within conscious communities of children, their families and teachers.
Collectively, we are the rainbow bridge to a new earth.
Georgia Callaghan is a mum, primary school teacher, yoga teacher, holistic coach and author. She has enjoyed a rewarding career working as a primary school teacher on the Gold Coast for over 20 years. Her qualifications include a Diploma, Bachelor and Master of Education.
Georgia’s passion for nurturing children’s mental health and wellbeing led to further studies. She is a qualified Yoga Teacher and has also completed Radiant Child 1 and 2, Rainbow Kids and Creative Yogi’s specialisations to teach yoga to children. She has certificates in Metaphysical Studies and Holistic Counselling. Georgia has a special interest in research about neuroplasticity, the nervous system, sensory integration, body-brain connections and regulation in education. She is inspired to create resources that help to ‘Wire children for Wellbeing’ in the early years.
“The goal of life is to make your heartbeat match the beat of the universe, to match your nature with Nature.”– Joseph Campbell